Genakker broke

Yesterday the 18th, just before dark, our fastener for the genakker on top of the mast broke off and the genakker went flying loose. We managed to get it down and under deck, where it is resting and we are trying to find a way to make a repair on top of our 22 meter mast in rolling seas. This is not a catastrophe, as we have other sails we can use, but as the weather is still very calm it makes us sail slower and the crossing time will be longer. We are now moving with 4+ knots and waiting for wind to arrive later in the coming week.
On the fishing side of things, we have been catching smaller Dorades lately, however, this morning we received proof that there are larger fish in this ocean, as a bigger one bit on to our lure, ran with it and snapped the line.
Life on board is good and we are taking good care of each other (hereunder serving pancakes for breakfast and homemade apple pie for afternoon tea yesterday).
We have now sailed 460 nm since Wednesday at 1300 and our position is 15 deg 18 N and 033 deg 33 W. Sog is 4.5 and cog is 253.
All the best from the North Star Crew